The Shipping Collective ApS Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how The Shipping Collective processes personal data.

1. Who are we?

When you visit The Shipping Collective ApS’ (hereinafter “our/we/ours”) website,, or communicate with us in any other way, we may receive and process personal data about you.

We are the data controller in respect of the personal data we process about you. Our contact details are

The Shipping Collective ApS
Company 42799556
c/o Valcon
Meldahlsgade 5
1613 Copenhagen

2. How do we process your personal data?

In the sections below you will find a description of each processing activity as well as information about the processed personal data, the purpose of processing of personal data, the legal basis, transfers (as well as any third country transfers if relevant) and the retention periods.

2.1 General administration of business relationships in CRM

For the purpose of managing and maintaining our business relationships with our customers and suppliers, we process personal data about you as a contact person in the form of your name, e-mail address, job title, phone number and location.

Our legal basis for the processing of your personal data is GDPR article 6 (1)(f) (legitimate interest), as it is our legitimate interest to manage and maintain our business customer and/or supplier relationships.

We usually receive this personal data directly from you, however in some cases we receive your personal data from other sources, e.g. public phone books or business contacts.

2.2 Communication with customers

In connection with us carrying out projects, we process personal data about you as a contact person in connection with your creation in our internal communication tool. We process your information in the form of name, email, telephone number and communication.

The purpose of the processing is to be able to communicate with you and able to share and receive information and data relevant to the service.

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data about you as a costumer is GDPR article 6 (1) (f)(legitimate interest), as it is a legitimate interest for us to communicate with you and give you access to a tool where you can share data with us.

2.3 Project management

In connection with us carrying out projects, we process personal data about you as a contact person in connection with your creation in our project management tool. We process your information in the form of name, email, and telephone number.

The purpose is to be able to share contact information about the contact persons on the project – you will always be able to see who is associated with the project and who you can contact.

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data about you as a costumer is GDPR article 6 (1)(f) (legitimate interest), as it is in our legitimate interest to give you access to our project management tool and to have contact information about you.

2.4 Invoices

In connection with issuing invoices based on the project, we process personal data about you as a contact person in the form of name, e-mail and company. The purpose of the processing is to be able to send an invoice for our work performed to you as our contact person.

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data about you as a costumer is GDPR article 6 (1)(f) (legitimate interest as it is in our legitimate interest to send invoices to the contact person.

We disclose your personal data to our auditor for the purpose of the auditor preparing the invoice. The disclosure takes place on the basis of GDPR article 6(1)(f)(legitimate interest), as it is in our legitimate interest to have an invoice prepared by an external party.

2.5 Supplier contracts

For the purpose of preparation of a supplier contract, we process personal data about you as a contact person in the form of your name, e-mail address and phone number.

The processing takes place as it is in our legitimate interest to process personal data about contact persons in order to prepare the contract to be concluded with the customer in connection with a project, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(f) (legitimate interest).

2.6 Newsletters

When you sign up for our newsletter on the website, we process your personal data. We process personal data in the form of your name, email, and company. The purpose of the processing is to send you marketing material.

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data is GDPR article 6 (1)(a) (consent), as we obtain your consent in connection with you signing up for the newsletter and the Danish Marketing Practices Act § 10 (1).

2.7 Use of forms on the website

We process your personal data in connection with your use of the forms on the website to receive and download material. We process your ordinary personal data in the form of name, email and company. The purpose of the processing is to process your contact information of you who show interest in our product.

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data is GDPR article 6 (1)(f) (legitimate interest), as it is in our legitimate interest to register your contact information after you have chosen to provide information to be able to receive and download material from our website and the Danish Marketing Practices Act § 10 (1).

2.8 Registrations for events

If you sign up to participate in events, we will process personal data about you in the form of your name, e-mail address and information about the company you work for. The purpose of the processing is to be able to register who registers for events

We process this personal data based on our legitimate interest in having an overview of participants and – if relevant – forwarding the access link to the event to you and thus enabling you to participate in the event or seminar of your choice, cf. GDPR article 6 (1)(f) (legitimate interest).

If we hold events in collaboration with third parties, we disclose information to the co-host on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) (legitimate interest) GDPR, as it is in our legitimate interest to share information about how many and who are registered for the event with the co-host.

2.9 Pictures on website and LinkedIn

In connection with the publication of pictures on our website and LinkedIn, we may process personal data about you in the form of pictures in order to use pictures of customers on the website and LinkedIn.

Our legal basis for the processing is your consent, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a) (consent).

The picture is published on the website and LinkedIn for the purpose of marketing. Publication of pictures takes place on the basis of your consent, cf. GDPR article 6(1)(a) (consent). On the basis of the same legal basis, your picture will be transferred to LinkedIn and the website.

2.10 Cookies

When you visit our website, we use cookies in order to ensure the functionality of the website as well as to perform tracking and analysis of your visit on our website. In doing so, we may process personal data about you. You can find further information on our use of cookies in our cookie policy.

3. Storage and deletion

We will only process your personal data for as long as necessary in order for us to pursue the purposes listed above.

Once we no longer have a purpose for the processing in question, we will delete your personal data. When assessing our need for processing and the duration of the retention period, we will consider any relevant legal obligations and statutes of limitation, as well as the risk associated with the processing in question.

4. Data processors and third country transfers

When processing your personal data, we may engage a number of our data processors such as IT-system providers, hosting providers, providers of newsletter solutions and website providers, cookie providers etc.

If, in connection with our use of data processors and sub processors, your personal data is transferred to any third countries (outside EU/EEA), we ensure a legal basis in accordance with GDPR chapter 5. If you have any questions specifically regarding the transfer of your personal data to third countries, please contact us by using the contact details provided in section 1 of this privacy policy.

5. Your rights

According to the GDPR and the Danish Data Protection Act and subject to the conditions set out in these regulations, you enjoy the following rights. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us by using the contact details provided in section 1 of this privacy policy. 

Where the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by using the contact information provided in sections 1 of this privacy policy. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data prior to the withdrawal.

You can find more information about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guidance on the rights of data subjects.  

You may file a complaint about our processing of your personal data with the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet), Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, e-mail:, phone number + 45 33 19 32 00


Last update: 01/07 2024